The Muscle Experts

Halloweekend Self-Care: No tricks, just treat yourself!

by Anna James on Oct 26, 2020

Halloweekend Self-Care: No tricks, just treat yourself!

Halloweek has finally arrived! We're guessing that most of you will be staying home this year for Halloween, so we decided to send you some fun self-care ideas for a relaxing weekend - because we all could use one of those.

What exactly is self-care? Contrary to popular belief, it's not all face masks and bubble baths (although those could be included). Self-care is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress.

Here are some ways that you can indulge in spooky self-care this Halloweekend.

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth
It's Halloween! Allow yourself to enjoy some goodies. If you would like to stay on the healthier side, Dr. Chris highly recommends Smart Sweets candy. Their sweet and sour gummy treats only contain 3 grams of sugar per serving, and some options, like the peach rings, are extremely high in fiber thanks to the chicory root. They taste almost identical to the classic candies, and your little ones will approve, too! 

Another great option is dark chocolate - it's good for you! It's full of fiber, antioxidants, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and other beneficial nutrients. It also may reduce the risk of heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve blood flow, and improve brain function. 

Get Into the Halloween Spirit
It may feel like Halloween is canceled this year, but it doesn't have to be. One of the easiest ways to feel festive, but also relaxed, is to create a cozy environment in your home. Tidy up and declutter your space, light up your favorite fall or Halloween-themed candle, hang some spooky stringed lights, buy yourself a pumpkin, grab your warmest blanket, and turn on a nostalgic Halloween movie (or true-crime documentary).

Sometimes it feels easier to not fully commit to the holidays, especially when you don't have kids around, but this year has already flown by. Let's slow it down a bit and enjoy life's simple pleasures - this includes holidays because, at the end of the day, we're all kids at heart.

Spend Some Time Outdoors

Find some time this weekend to get out of the house and enjoy some nature. The leaves are changing colors, and they won't be around for much longer, so go check them out!! Round up your family or loved ones and find a trail nearby to hike around or a pumpkin patch to visit.

This will get your body moving to release some endorphins, and spending time with friends and family will help you feel uplifted and supported.

After your time outside, remember to stretch when you get home! If we had it our way, you'd stretch every day, but we know that's not always realistic with a busy schedule. 

If you have the time, following a 30-minute yoga video will do wonders for both your physical and mental health. We love Yoga with Adriene - she has tons of yoga videos for every occasion ranging from five minutes to an hour. Here is a 20-minute yoga for beginners video.

If you're not in the mood to follow a stretching video, we highly suggest you check out Dr. Chris' daily stretch routine. He uses it every morning in the shower, and it's what's kept him young and active for all of these years. 

Cook a New Recipe
Treat yourself to an exciting new recipe for dinner! Cooking can be a relaxing activity for many people, and you can challenge yourself mentally by testing your skills and trying something new. When it's done, you will not only feel accomplished and more confident, but you will also have a delicious dinner to celebrate.

Here are 23 Savory Pumpkin Recipes to pick from or inspire you!

Take a Bubble Bath

This is one of the most popular self-care activities, but for good reason! Life's been pretty stressful lately, and you deserve a good soak with zero distractions.

We suggest that you include Epsom salt in your bath. When added to the water, it will break down into magnesium and sulfate. This can help your muscles/joints to loosen and relax. Some people use Epsom salt baths to treat: arthritis, fibromyalgia, sore muscles after a workout, bruises and sprains, and swollen feet.


Did somebody say self-care? We can't forget our MuscleCare, the all-natural muscle and joint pain reliever. From now until the end of October, use the promo code SPOOKY at checkout for 40% off of your entire purchase! 

For more self-care activities, check out the self-care tab on Dr. Chris' clinic's website. There, you will find resources to address your pain at home including sleep routine tips, self-massage videos, and an ergonomic workplace checklist.

If you are going out for Halloween, please remember to wear a mask and bring hand sanitizer! We care about you, and we want you to stay as safe as possible!